Monday, December 19, 2011

1 Year Anniversary

Alas, we have made it 1 year! The following picture is us at High Falls park after going to the temple to celebrate our anniversary. The falls are quite a hidden treasure in the heart of Georgia. We were also able to spend time with both our families over the course of the weekend. We are blessed in so many ways to have them in our lives.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Trottin'

No pics yet, but this year was my dad's 10th annual Turkey Trot. This year was fancier than in years past, we got t-shirts! (Thanks to Josh Wilson for sponsoring them!) We also celebrated Coach Cranford for his 25 years of commitment to our running community. I never was a runner in High School, but he is quite a man. Over 200 people came out to recognize his achievements. Also this year was Russell's first experience with my family for Thanksgiving. It was absolutely amazing to see so many friends and family and have him apart of it. I'm so thankful to the LORD for allowing granny and Grandaddy the opportunity to be together with us that day. Grandaddy had spent almost a week in the hospital, and my poor Granny missed him dearly.

Also for thanksgiving weekend we spent time at Russell's parents for the Johnson family Christmas sing-a-long :) There were plenty of soups and pies to consume! During the sing-a-long I was able to share one of my family traditions of singing & acting out the 12 days of Christmas! Russell does not like the song, but he was a trouper, along with Uncle Scott who insisted on yelling at everyone during the 3 calling birds... that's TEN times! Lol.

Yesterday was also special in that is was 1 yr ago when Russell and I got engaged! I'm much less stressed now than then :) Good times.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kodak Moment

Since being married, I felt we were have lots of Kodak moments. Unfortunately, we've had no way of capturing the first 4 months of marriage unless through someone else. When Russell asked whether I wanted an ipod or camera for my birthday, I voted for a camera. 3 weeks and 6 ebay bids later I got a KODAK C 195 easy Share in the mail!! I'll be posting new pictures soon!


Sometimes you have to jump on your horse and shoot a gun, while other times you need to stop and smell the roses. I'm all about taking time to smell the roses, but Saturday was all about the gun show.

Saturday morning Russ and I drove out to Buckeye Ranch to shoot with Daniel and Melissa to shoot some guns. The draw of the day happened to be a 12 gauge shotgun and 9mm pistol. The only experience I had with guns before this experience was a bb gun at the age of 12. Now 23, I was more than ready for a real gun. Daniel was our safety instructor, carefully detailing and demonstrating all the features of the gun. The first shot he made was A LOT louder than I had expected. It made me nervous to pull the trigger when I was up on deck. Finally, POOM!! Yes, Poom not Boom. Boom is reserved for bigger ammo.

Russell definitely did a little better than I, simply because he actually shot a skeet with the shotgun. I on the other hand, only attempted. Nevertheless, it was an AMAZING experience I will never forget! Guess I just need to get a gun license :)

The Scooter/Motorcycle Extravaganza

Well, we have an addition to the family. Russell recently invested in a 125cc scooter, which apparently falls into the category of a motorcycle. We've had quite the ordeal getting everything squared away for it from license, tag/registration, and insurance. The first incident that occured was when Russell went to take the written license test. I'll note the only "studying" he did was skimming over the book while waiting to take it. Subsequently, he found out it you fail to read the book, you fail the test. After finding out this unfortunate news he left without following up with the check out desk. Following that we rode out to Winder for a visit. While there Russell had the idea to go by the tag office. What Russell failed to remember was that he had forgotten to reclaim his license, until they asked for it at the tag office. After striking out twice in one day, he was bitterly disappointed. With a new hope Russell woke up Saturday morning at 7:00 to study so he could be at the DMV when it opened at 8. I'm pleased to announce he PASSED!!! Studying paid off :)

Monday morning Russell asked me to go to the tag office in Winder, since I didn't have to go into work until later that day. Seeing as how I love him, I agreed. In preparation to going we both tried calling to see if I would be able to obtain the tag in behalf of him- no one ever answered. As a back up I brought our marriage license to the tag office to verify he was my husband. That was not enough for them. The lady at the desk informed me I would need to have a power of attorney in order to get the tag for his motorcycle. I was FURIOUS!!! The next day Russell tried going to the tag office in Athens, but they told him he had to get a tag that matched the county of the address on his license OR prove his new address. Russell struck out again! He didn't have anything on him to prove our new address. The next day he got off work early to head out to winder to get a tag...and was able to get one!!! YAY!! He also bought insurance, applied to UGA parking services for a permit, AND ordered a helmet all the same day!

Russell is now riding it any chance he gets.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One foot on the right path, and another out the door

I am striving to start everyday out with something uplifting, whether it's from a talk, book, or scripture. This morning I feel so grateful to know of my divine nature. I started out my morning at work by reading the talk by Elaine Dalton tittled, "Guardians of Virtue" from a young women's broadcast. Since I gave my talk in church on Sunday about Obedience to the prophets I've also had a greater resolve to study the words of modern-day prophets. In the lesson I went to for Sunday school Daniel Jones talked about the difference between "a" prophet, versus "the" prophet. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ we recognize Thomas S. Monson as the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and call him "the" Prophet because he is the Lords one mouth piece. However, there is also the term "a" prophet which includes the twelve apostles and others who are called as special witnesses of Jesus Christ. I am striving to search and study the words from our living prophets so I can do and be all that I can. I am so grateful for the beautiful morning when I walked out the door, and hope it stays that way. Hopefully anyone who reads this post enjoys it, if not that's alright. I just want my blog to be a reflection of all the areas in my life from the spiritual, physical, emotional. So look forward to more like this, plus ones about cooking endeavors, things I learn, stories, family, travels, etc.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

1001 ways to die

I know the tittle of this seems very odd. So last night after I came home from work I was feeling great. So great if fact that I wanted to cook chicken Alfredo. I started by chopping up some onion, green peppers, and the chicken that had thawed out. After chopping the chicken I decided to go ahead and wash the knife since we don't have a dishwasher. While washing the knife, it took a slice into my index finger. I immediately told Russell to get a band-aid. At first there was blood, then burning all through my finger. It was aweful! Definitely shed a few tears. Russell, being such a great husband, finished cooking dinner for me. After dinner he treated me to some cookies and cream ice cream in the freezer, because we all know ice cream makes everything better :) While Russell was navigating netflix, he came accross the show 1001 ways to die and wanted to watch it! Not the greatest thing to watch after slicing your finger. I'm happy to report that I made it through the episode, without dying.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma Mingledorff

Congrats to Grandma Johnson for turning the big 80 today! I'm looking forward to celebrating this evening :)

No Root Canal..yippy

In my last blog I mentioned that I went to see Dr. Campbell last week to get a tooth seen about. While I was there he took an x-ray, and recommended I have a root canal. I was NOT looking forward to this in the least bit! On Wednesday I had the pleasure of going to the Dentist the my mom works for-Grant. I was ready and prepared to have a root canal done that day. After I described my symptoms to him, he recommended that I just get a filling for now to prolong the life of the tooth. I was Definitely ok with that! So far so good. Just having a mild headache, and I'm continuing to take the antibiotic to get rid of the infection I had in the root of my tooth. I also thought I was getting a UTI the same day I was at the Dentists office, so my mom gave me a pill that turned my pee orange-red!! Hopefully my body will work everything out and get back to normal soon.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Mingledorff Move

Well, as many know by now, Russell and I moved into Family Housing this past week. I have to say is was one of the fastest moves we're likely to ever make together. Total moving time was right around 3 hours! Packing and unpacking time was 3-4x that...always the worst part! Speaking of packing, Russell was very little help. The day we got the phone call to move, he had an appointment at the eye Dr. to get his eyes dilated! Russ spent the whole night with 2 pairs of sunglasses on to keep out the light. Fortunately, his eyes are back to normal and was able to help with moving things the next morning. Unfortunately for me, I went to the Dentist the day we moved, and found out I needed a ROOT CANAL! Yuck! I'm going tomorrow to get it done at my mom's office. I'll see if I can get pictures to post after :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1, 2 month Anniversary

On Thursday I came home from work and saw a pot of daisies on the kitchen table. At first I wondered if he was trying to make up for doing something, but then I wondered if they were even for me. I have to admit I was kind of got a little excited, but suppressed it by calmly asking Russell, " Who are these for?" He poked his head out of the room and said, " You baby-girl, for our 1 month anniversary!" I was very impressed that he even thought to get me flowers out of the blue for such an occasion; however, I thought I should inform him that we had not been married for 1 month, rather 2 months!! Ha he stood there for a bit and realized that I was indeed correct! LOL. Anyways, I thought it was super sweet and very funny! So, if you see Russell, you should ask him how long we've been married just for kicks and giggles!

Mrs. Mingledorff

Well, since December's post I have definitely gotten married and taken on the Mingledorff name. I've already had quite the time with name changing. I received a piece of mail the other day with the name Ingledorss (?) I did it over the phone, and spelled it out...still epic failure!

About 2 weeks ago I was in walmart picking up pictures and the lady said, "Mingledorff, is your dad like a painter/plumber?" I thought about who it could be and replied that it was probably an uncle or cousin that she knew. I really had no idea who she was talking about.

Let's see, another funny name I've been called is Mordorff by a co-worker. Reminds me of Lord of the Rings Mordor! lol. Yesterday I received a few thank you grams form coworkers and on the outside of the envelope was written Emilee Minglidorft.

If I get any other run spellings or pronunciations I'll be sure to post them :)


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